(New Version)
The Yellow Rose

Petals soft and gentle caress the yellow rose,
Blossoms of brilliant golden color that touches our hearts so.

It's fragrance drifts sweetly in the morning air,
Touching hearts with a warm glow that shines everywhere.

Eyes are filled with wonder at God's masterpiece,
A wonder to behold, its joys never cease.

As you look upon its beauty, you feel its peace and love,
You know it's a blessing sent from God above.

God gives the yellow rose to show His love for you,
Just as He gives the rose a drink of sparkling morning dew.

Galia Cockerham
Copyright (c) 2003

This page consist of poetry which have been submitted by other poets.  Do read their poems. I'm sure you will be blessed. If you would like to submit your poems, send a couple of poems to me by email and I will choose which poems to publish.  These poems should be  of christian content.
(New Version)
I will be adding more soon.