We Can Soar
Skies are not always blue,
Sometimes there's a cloud or two.

But, behind the clouds comes a ray of light,
It's the sun shining so bright.

Look at the birds go flying by,
As they soar to the sky.

As the light reflects thru the trees,
Let us look up and feel the breeze.

We too can soar to mountain heights,
Like the birds do in their flight.

For, when we feel God's presence nigh,
We are lifted up on high.

Copyright 1999-Galia Cockerham
Let us not look at the circumstances of our lives, but look to Jesus who is our help. Let
us rise above our circumstance and soar up
high and be lifted up in His presence.
Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. Psalm 63:7