The Storms of Life
When your life is like a storm raging upon a sea,
God can calm the storm, and set your spirit free.

If you will trust in His Hand that never fails,
The storms of life cannot prevail.

Your hopes may be torn and shattered,
But God cares and to Him you matter.

Even when the clouds are forming above,
Do not doubt God's unfailing love.

Your sorrow may fall like rain,
But God can heal all your pain.

When your heart is heavy and grieving,
You must keep trusting and believing.

In the storm the winds may come and the waves may
hit upon the rocks,
But, you must hold to God's unchanging Hand, no matter what.

Your soul can brave every gale,
When you know God's promises never fail.

Copyright 1999-Galia Cockerham

You never know how much faith you have until you go through a storm.  The storms in our life teach us to trust in God.  Though we may see the dark clouds, there is a ray of light shining behind them.  Remember, there is a calm in the eye of the storm.  God is in the midst of our storm and is there in every situation that life brings.
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me; thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.  Psalms 138:7